Dearest J,
You are closer to turning one than to the day you were born. That seems so unreal to mommy. I can’t believe how much you continue to grow and amaze both daddy and me. You are the happiest baby I know, and I love every moment with you.
You continue to amaze us with the things you are learning everyday. You really seem to love life and soak up every moment. Since the weather has turned nicer, you absolutely adore being outside. You could sit in the grass on your blanket for hours and do nothing but let the breeze blow on your face. You are truly a miracle and we are both so much more fulfilled having you to love!
Clothing Size: Mostly 6-12 months and even some 12-18 months! You are even wearing a couple of 18-24 month pajamas! I think I have to stop “buying ahead” because I am pretty sure everything I bought so far is going to end up not fitting you:). I am enjoying Summer because I get to put you in such cute short sleeves and short outfits wear I can see your adorable chubby legs.
Favorite Toys: You are at the age where everything is your toy. Everything that goes in your hands ends up in your mouth, so you really are not specific as to which toys you like best. You do still enjoy your bath books and your links the most.
Favorite Activities: You have been sitting up by yourself for about a month now. You are very stable and we can sit you down without a boppy or pillow. You will normally stay sitting for as long as we leave you.
You also think you are quite the man when you stand next to furniture. Daddy has been placing you next to the ottoman. You stand there for a few minutes (with daddy right behind, of course) and think you are the cat’s meow. I wouldn’t say you are standing with furniture quite yet, but I think that will be coming shortly.
You still love stroller rides and anything that involves being outdoors. We’ve gone swimming a few times, too, and you seem to enjoy that quite a bit.
Other Milestones: You are officially sitting on your own. You sometimes try to stand, but you haven’t quite accomplished that yet.
We are still working on the signing. You understand the word “more” and get excited when we say or sign it, but you haven’t figured out how to sign on your own.
You were baptized on Sunday, May 31 at Evergreen Ministries. You were such a good boy and mommy and daddy were so proud to have you baptized. We wrote this letter that was read at your baptism:
Dearest J,
While longing for you for several months, we prayed for you daily and made a promise to God that if He would bless us with a child, we would raise that child to know Him and to live like Jesus did. Since your birth, we have been blessed beyond belief and you are truly a miracle for which we are so thankful to God! You are the love of our lives and we cannot imagine living a day without you.
Your name, Joshua, means “God saves.” Joshua was chosen, by God, to lead the Israelites into the promised land. It is our prayer that God uses you, as he did Joshua, for big things to transform a very broken world. It is our deepest hope that you live a life of meaning and purpose, though it may not be the easiest life, and make this world a better place by your being here. We love you and we promise to do everything we can as parents to give you the start you need to be “Jesus” to those whose path you cross.
Love you little one,
Mommy and Daddy
Favorite Food: You are now getting about ½ mommy’s milk and ½ formula during the day. I typically nurse you when you wake up, bottle around
Number of Naps: I still wouldn’t say that you have scheduled naptimes everyday. You are normally waking up around
Bedtime Routine: Your bedtime routine is still really the same. Typically mommy or daddy gives you a bath and then mommy feeds you your last meal of the day. Sometimes we also read you a story. Mommy (and sometimes daddy) sings you a song and then either mommy or daddy puts you in your crib, tucked in your favorite blanket and with the sunshine on.
We are so excited to spend the rest of the Summer with you. Mommy is taking a lot of time off to spend some special days with you. Thanks for being such a joy to be around. We love you, little one!
Mommy and Daddy