It was so much fun! LP went on a pumpkin train ride, fed goats, rode a pony, went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, ate donuts and drank cider, and painted a pumpkin. Brad, Adam, and I had our own fun running through the rope maze:)! Afterwards, we went to the Pizza Ranch for some yummy supper. Overall it was a great day and great fun and I am sure we will be back again soon!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Post Family Farm
Because Brad and I both work full-time, we try and spend most of our free time with the boys. We really want to make sure that we get quality time with them on a daily basis. I have to go to Miami next week for work, so I thought it would be fun to fill our Saturday with farm fun! We decided to pack up the boys and meet the Potters at the Post Family Farm.
It was so much fun! LP went on a pumpkin train ride, fed goats, rode a pony, went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, ate donuts and drank cider, and painted a pumpkin. Brad, Adam, and I had our own fun running through the rope maze:)! Afterwards, we went to the Pizza Ranch for some yummy supper. Overall it was a great day and great fun and I am sure we will be back again soon!

It was so much fun! LP went on a pumpkin train ride, fed goats, rode a pony, went on a hayride, picked pumpkins, ate donuts and drank cider, and painted a pumpkin. Brad, Adam, and I had our own fun running through the rope maze:)! Afterwards, we went to the Pizza Ranch for some yummy supper. Overall it was a great day and great fun and I am sure we will be back again soon!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
BB was baptized on Sunday, September 12. After a chaotic couple of weeks with me going back to work and Brad having viral meningitis, we were thrilled to be able to go on with the ceremony. Brad, unfortunately, felt pretty ill the morning of the baptism, so he stood on stage with us and went home right afterwards. We were going to celebrate at our house afterwards, but because Brad had been sick, we decided to go to Arnie's to celebrate instead.
It was a special day for our family as BB was officially welcomed into God's family! It was great to have our family and friends there to celebrate such a special time for BB!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Working 9-5
On Wednesday, September 1, I went back to work full-time at Bayer. I had a lot of anxiety about going back to work, managing the household, spending quality time with my husband and the boys, and keeping my sanity through it all. I have now been back to work about a month and things are going quite well. There are definitely moments I miss the boys and wish I had more time with them. There are other days I am thankful to have my job and have some adult interaction. Overall, I am blessed to have a good job with a great company. Brad and I feel that this is the right thing for our family right now and hopefully we will continue to feel that way about our decision.
The boys started going to a new daycare and they are doing so well! LP walked into the house the first day and went right to the toys. He didn't cry at all when I left. There are two other boys there that are about the same age as him and he loves playing with them. Whenever I ask him about daycare he says two words, "ball" and "no-no." It makes me laugh every time!
We are blessed to have such a great place to bring the boys and two great jobs in these hard economic times. It is our prayer that we continue to do what is right for our family and that we embrace all the moments we have together.
The boys started going to a new daycare and they are doing so well! LP walked into the house the first day and went right to the toys. He didn't cry at all when I left. There are two other boys there that are about the same age as him and he loves playing with them. Whenever I ask him about daycare he says two words, "ball" and "no-no." It makes me laugh every time!
We are blessed to have such a great place to bring the boys and two great jobs in these hard economic times. It is our prayer that we continue to do what is right for our family and that we embrace all the moments we have together.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Two Months Old!
Little Man,
Two months old already! Time sure does fly by so much faster with the second baby. These two months have been some of the best days of our lives so far and I could never have predicted how much love I have for you. You are the sweetest baby I know and our lives are so much more complete with you in our life.
You are such a sweet, content baby boy. You LOVE to give smiles and love to be held and interacted with. You “coo” frequently and smile pretty much whenever someone talks to you. You are quite the chunker and everyone comments on how cute your chubby cheeks are!
Clothing: Being the chunker that you are, you are definitely out of all your newborn clothes and most of you 3 month clothing. You are wearing 3-6 month clothing for the most part, but even some of those outfits have become quite snug. It’s a good thing that mommy has a ton of clothes to pick from as you definitely go through clothing quite quickly!
Favorite Activities: You are becoming much more interactive every day. You love swinging in your swing and watching the mobile turn. You love being talked to and love to coo and smile back. You enjoy being held and cuddling. It’s pretty obvious, but you love to eat, too. You enjoy your bath time and as long as you aren’t hungry, you could be in there for a very long time. You also seem to like to sleep as you have been sleeping about 9 hours a night since you’ve been 5 weeks old!
Milestones: You started sleeping through the night around 5 weeks old! You typically sleep from 10:00pm to 7:00am. You are such a content little boy and it makes things so much nicer when we all get a good nights’ sleep!
You also seem to have found your hands. You are so cute how you swing in your swing and suck on your hands.
You also love to stand up tall on mommy’s legs. You are such a strong boy and have been doing this since you were about a month old. It’s crazy to me how you basically skipped the newborn stage and went right to being a strong, baby boy!
Daily Schedule: You typically get up around 6:30 or 7:00am and eat. You go back to bed and sleep until around 10:30 when you eat again. You eat around 1:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 and 10:00. You typically are awake most of the evening and for awhile around lunch time.
You are such a wonderful addition to our family. It is my prayer that we can give you as much love and attention as we did to your brother at this age. I love my moments I get to cuddle you up and know that the time will pass much too quickly. I love watching you grow and reach new milestones, but I also know that with each milestone that passes, you are one step closer to becoming more and more independent and growing up.
Thanks for being such a sweet, content, smiley, adorable, loving little one. My heart bursts with love for you and I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without you!
Love you baby boy,
Big Boy Bed
Before BB was born, Brad and I decided to have the boys share a bedroom for awhile before we moved LP to his new room. After re-evaluating things, we decided to move LP to his new bedroom tonight! LP and BB have different sleep schedules and we thought this would make it easier once I go back to work and have to get them both out the door in the morning for daycare.
After looking for a long time for the perfect, affordable bunkbed set, we found the bunkbeds and dresser at no other than my favorite store, Costco for a great price! We got the last set and are so happy with how it looks. We had the room painted a blue color that matched the bedding. The bedding came from Pottery Barn Kids and we are thrilled with the final product.
We really tried to amp up the new bed thing with LP. He seems to really think the big bed is fun and he likes his car sheets. He did wonderful his first night in there, tonight, and fell asleep like he normally does. We are so thankful that he is such a good little sleeper!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Big Star Lake
During the first week of August, our family, along with the Potter family, enjoyed a beautiful week at Big Star Lake in Baldwin, Michigan. We had a great time and thouroughly enjoyed ourselves while we were there. The weather was great and we couldn't have asked for a better location on the lake. Lp learned SO much while he was there. He learned how to swing on a "big-boy" swing and ask for an "underdog" while being pushed. He learned how to swim with swimmies and jump off the raft to daddy. He also learned many new words such as: boom, more, boat, and please. He loved spending time with his daddy and with his new best-buddy Josi. BB had quite the life swinging in his swing under the umbrella with the lake breeze blowing on him.
All in all we had a wonderful time and it was the perfect location for families with young kiddos. We are going to make sure we make it back again next year!
Monday, July 26, 2010
It's a Beautiful Day
Because yesterday was such a beautiful day, we wanted to spend some time outdoors doing something as a family. We decided to take LP to a new park that he hadn't been to before. He LOVED the park. There was a great playground for him to play on. The other side of the park had some of the most gorgeous landscaping. This was actually the park where Brad and I had our engagement pictures taken. There was a beautiful, clear, creek where we let LP play. He had a blast and loved splashing in the water. Needless to say, we had a full-blown tantrum to deal with on our way to the car. We will definitely be visiting this park again soon!
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