This coming Monday, March 2, I am headed back to work. I have been blessed to have the last 16 weeks off with Little Peanut and now it is time to head back to reality. This is definitely bittersweet for me. I really like what I do, and I work for a wonderful company, but I did really enjoy my time off as a full-time mommy. I do know, however, know that I will be much more productive working fulltime. I am the type of person who needs to be organized and have something "to do" every day. I think the structure will prove to be better for both Little Peanut and me. I am also so thankful that God has blessed me with a great job in an unstable economy and that I am fortunate enough to have a job that is flexible and in which I can use my talents.
For those of you who have asked, Little Peanut will be staying with my mother-in-law on Mondays and will be at a neighbor's on Tuesday-Friday. She is a licensed daycare provider, but she only cares for one or two other kids in the neighborhood. We are so fortunate to have such great care available and this is definitely making the transition easier.
Monday, I am sure, will prove to be a difficult day. However, I know, that in the long run, this is the right decision for my family. Please send prayers for us all, including Brad (he'll need them to deal with me (hehe)). Ultimately I am excited to "get back into the swing of things" and am excited to see my customers again. I know that within a week or two, things will have fallen into place and all will be right with the world (at least my little corner of it:)). Thanks Bayer for the opportunity to spend these precious weeks home with my little one and now I am ready to come back and make you proud:)!