Happy 1/2 birthday! The older you get, the less half birthdays will mean anything to you. However, in the eyes of a child, half birthdays are quite the big deal!
The past six months have truly been some of the happiest months of our lives. You are such a wonderful little boy filled with such true joy and happiness. Your smile lights up the room and your laugh is contagious. You are an absolute miracle and a true gift from God. As each month passes, I get somewhat anxious about the time that has slipped away and the independence you are gaining everyday. I was reminded recently that God calls us to live in the moment and not to dwell on the past or worry about the future. If I think about the past, I dwell on moments that are no longer here and if I focus on the future, I worry about the unknowns. In the mean time, I am missing the very moments that are happening in front of me. So, it has truly become my ambition to enjoy each and every day and truly "live in the moment" soaking up everything life has to offer for us a family.
Clothing Size: Mostly 6-12 months. You have officially grown out of every 3-6 month outfit except for one that seems to be made abnormally large! You are such a big boy and you are already outgrowing clothes I planned on using for the Summer! The cloth diapers also seem to give you a little extra "junk in your trunk."
Favorite Toys: Sophie is still a favorite. You really like anything you can grab and put into your mouth. You really love the bath books Grandma Sheila gave you as well.
Favorite Activities: You are really starting to like sitting up. You think you are pretty big stuff when we place you on the floor in your boppy with toys around. You also still really enjoy bathtime.
As the weather gets nicer, we are enjoying more outdoor activities. You love going for walks in the stroller and you think the wagon rides are pretty neat, too. Daddy tried you in the backpack carrier the other night and that wasn't your favorite. I think we will have to wait until you are a bit older to try that again.
You have become much more attentive when we read to you. You often look at the page, look at us, look at the page, trying to figure out the fluctuations in our voices. As long as you are in a good mood, you could sit for a very long time while we read to you.
You also enjoy sitting in your highchair like a big boy. You think it's pretty fun to be able to be sitting up so high and taking in all that is going on around you.
Other Milestones: You are starting to get the hang on sitting up on your own. I wouldn't say that you have accomplished it, but you did sit on your own for 38 seconds last week ( I know. Who's counting:)?).
You also had your first cold. You were quite miserable for a few days and weren't really yourself. You were extra tired and cranky. I am so glad that only lasted for a short time and that you are feeling much better now.
You are getting 1 1/2T of cereal in each bottle during the day. Grandpa VV suggested this to help with your spitting up. It has seemed to help a little bit so far. You still spit quite often, which is becoming more and more of a challenge as you try different foods. I wish I could say you own nothing with stains, but unfortunately you have managed to ruin an outfit or two with your persistent spitting:).
You haven't mastered signing yet. You are taking more interest in watching us when we sign "more" and I think it is just a matter of time before you will start communicating with us. That will be so exciting!
Favorite Food: You are still getting mommy's milk most of the day, with one or two formula bottles as well. You are demanding more milk at every feeding and unfortunately mommy's supply is not going up, so you will be receiving more and more formula soon. You still get cereal, veggies and/or fruit almost every night.
Number of Naps: You are seeming to get on more of a schedule for naps. You typically wake up around 6:30 am for your first feeding. You often fall back asleep until about 8:00. You are awake until around 10:00 and then sleep until noon. You often take another 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and are in bed around 8:30 for the night.
Bedtime Routine: Your bedtime routine is still really the same. Typically mommy or daddy gives you a bath and then mommy feeds you your last meal of the day. Sometimes we also read you a story. Mommy (and sometimes daddy) sing you a song and then either mommy or daddy put you in your crib, tucked in your favorite blanket and with the sunshine on.
Thanks for being such a sweet baby. We look forward to your baptism in a few weeks and enjoying the Summer months with you. We love you, little one!
Mommy and Daddy
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