Friday, July 22, 2011

Trying this again....

Seeing that I am now unemployed (insert sad and happy face, depending on the day:)), I am finding I have a bit more time to work on extra things such as my blog. I really missed not having everything documented somewhere and realized how helpful the blog was in doing just that. So....I am going to try and start on this thing again!

There is NO way I can catch up on all the posts/activities we've done over the past months, so I am going to start with the most recent accomplishment, Joshua's potty-training!

On Monday, July 18, I decided it was time for Joshua to be potty trained. He is quite big for his age and it was getting a bit ridiculous changing such a big boy. I decided to stay home for 2 days straight and work solely on potty training.

The first day, Monday, he went through 9 underpants by noon! I was about to throw in the towel, but realized figured I would give it until Tuesday night until I gave up. After his nap, he turned a corner and started telling me when he had to go potty. My mom came to watch the kids in the evening, and he was perfect all night! Tuesday he continued to do well and only had one accident all day! He went to Ms. Arlys's house on Wednesday and did great there, too! He has had a couple of accidents yesterday and today (mostly while playing), but overall he is doing great and I think we are definitely over the diaper stage for this 2 1/2 year old! That means it's almost time for another baby....almost...not really:)!

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